Tuesday, September 30, 2014

chapter 5

        In my own view is “Be grate for the home I have, knowing that at this moment, all I have is all I need.” I really made a lot of problem when I was a teenager such as I went to nightclubs five time a week, I always come home drunk. I did illegal rally,  Drag racing and Drifting. I played hooky until school expulsion me. my parent always punishment and mad with me, but they never give up me.
I deem I am independent when I’m just twenty years old. I think I already control my life. I don’t need to obey my parent, and I can take myself. But it’s not true. Firstly, I resided out of my home when I was twenty years old, I ran out of money after three month and I can’t pay the rent. My parent paid it. After that, I bought a used car and modified it of the popular style, I ran out of money again, and my parent paid it again. Thirdly, I had played illegal rally, Drag racing and Drifting. One time, I got a big traffic accident. I couldn’t eat by myself. My mom feed me every day. In that moment, I felt I have a wealthy life, but I don’t know.
 Now, I have changed my life. I study English in the Mercer, I don’t want to do any illegal things, and I hope I can improve my class major. But I usually miss my home and worry about my parent. The feeling like “When I’m safe at home I wish I were having an adventure; when I’m having an adventure I wish I were safe at home.”

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