Saturday, October 11, 2014

chapter 9

Young people have a lot of ways to establish relationships. I skip the peculiar ways. I arrange the three types of establish relationship of young people. They usually establish relationships in cyberspace, and place of amusement, at school. Firstly, young people establish relationships in cyberspace, for example chat-rooms, online games, and social media. In my opinion, they are danger ways to establish relationships because you never meet each other in person, and you just talk, type, or exchange photographs. They may not reply you the true information in other words, you don’t know they are backgrounds, who meets you in cyberspace. Next, young people establish relationships place of amusement, for example clubs, parties, and part-time jobs. They are saver than cyberspace, but they also potentials dangers. So my opinion is just match a friendship, first. Thirdly, young people establish relationship at school, for instance, school classes, dancing parties, and summer camps. They are safer than first two terms because you can get some information from teachers or classmates. Also, you have a lot of relation can help you get a good relationship. In conclusion, you should know who is match with you then establish relationship even though atmosphere is perfect.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

chapter 7

As far as I know longevity in the world. It’s doing everything needs be in moderation, doing aerobic exercises, and be an optimistic person. Firstly, doing everything needs be moderate. It means just doing (taking) you have to do or have in your live. For example, eating 75% full in each food times, drinking 1500 c.c. water in each days, and taking 6~8 hours sleep. The too much or too few will give your organ and body much pressure, therefore you do not need too much, don’t less too few, and just do you need. The way will be the most health way. Secondly, doing aerobic exercises can keep your organ and body young. For example, running, swimming, hiking, and bicycling. Their characteristics are helping you throw out the bad air quickly, and get new fresh air for your body. Thirdly, it’s to be an optimistic person. I recommend this one because it’s an easy one to do. Even though it wasn’t proven theory, I always do it because a lot of longevity of people always do this way and say this. Finally, I will introduce a person who is the most longevity in my country. Her name is Ching Huan Liu, and her age is 115 years old. Her life was from March 7, 1899 to January 14, 2014. In her longevity secret is all revel, not force, often chanting, and optimistic life.